Hey Assata,

Did January hit you with a bit of a slump too or did it fly by? It felt like a slow start for me, filled with moments of reflection, excitement, and a touch of impatience. Recommitting to what brings joy and energy became my priority because growth one of my top 5 values doesn't happen when we stay still in discomfort of non serving familiarity.

For a committed professional like yourself, in the bustling journey of your career, finding joy and fulfillment requires a guiding beacon, something that not only lights the way but also lights you up. If you're still reading, let's embark on a journey to rediscover what truly matters – your values.



Meet Tasha, a client of mine who felt overwhelmed at work, unable to care for herself or her home. Tasha, felt as if she was just doing too much at work, like she was doing alone and was exhausted. She couldn't understand why she was snapping and frustrated and it manifested in micro managing of team members, taking on more responsibilities than she really wanted and anger at meetings when others did things she found to be overstepping. Unveiling her values revealed that fairness and recognition were at her core. She understood more clearly why she was doing what she was doing and it helped her navigate team dynamics and express her concerns effectively. Having the language to reveal the secret guiding action is freedom. It's time to reconnect with your core values – that guiding light to genuine happiness and success.

It's amazing right? If you want that as well, let's find your now!



- your values are your gems of awareness and your opportunity to be intentional.

- they may show up as a misalignment between your daily grind and your heart's desires and in your emotions of joy, fear or anger. Don't let it go by unnoticed! 

-they change over time

- they are personal , don't expect others to have the same ones 

- they are based on your experiences  and sometimes passed on from others


Your Values Unveiled:

  • Reflect on Past Triumphs or Failures: Think of a time when work felt like play or was downright awful. What were you doing? Identifying these moments unveils your core values (e.g., creating something new could mean you value creativity).

  • Create Your Values List: Choose 20 values from the provided list. This list is your compass to self-discovery and freedom. Narrow it down to your top 5, ranking them in order of importance. If you need help with this, reply to this email and I'm happy to help!

  • Align with Your Daily Choices: Assess your current role, relationships, and daily tasks against your values. Recognizing misalignments empowers change.Your disappointment with a team member could be because something you value isn't being honored. 

Make YOUR Power Move Challenge - Align and Amplify:

Here's a simple yet profound move – Choose one value from your list and infuse it deliberately into your work this week. Whether it's injecting creativity into a report or fostering collaboration in a meeting, let your chosen value shine.


Next up:

If this was valuable to you stay tuned for the next newsletter -"A Valued-Powered Career", where we'll delve into translating your values into fulfilling career moves.

Let's evolve together!

Coach Assata

P.S. Share your values discoveries by replying to this email using #Values

P.P.S  In case you need a reminder: You are the magic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecylrA3SW0U 


Assata Omowale
CPR Management Coaching