Hey Assata,

I hope this message finds you confidently on your journey towards career growth and fulfillment. Today, I want to invite you to reflect on your career path, acknowledge what its been like for you so far and perhaps uncover an "aha" moment that could propel you forward.


Engage with Your Journey: Which Picture Resonates with You?

As you navigate the twists and turns of your career, I want to facilitate a spark that "aha" moment. Here's what you do :take a look at the images below and choose one that resonates with your current career path. Whichever picture speaks to you, I hope this newsletter offers some clarity, sparks an idea or offer guidance on your next best step


Discovering the Power of Your Unique Gifts: A Personal Journey

Like many of us, I once found myself at a crossroads in my mid-career, unsure of my unique gifts and how they could shape my path. I vividly remember the discomfort of feeling not just stuck but stranded in my role as an Academic Advisor, not fully utilizing my strengths of connection, developing others or problem-solving.

This discomfort helped me realize I had so much more to offer and was willing to give. By embracing my values of growth, connection, and freedom, I took a leap of faith and pursued new opportunities.

It's easy to overlook or forget the incredible strengths we bring to the table in contributing to the success of the organization when we get bogged down with the mundaiety of "the work", proving ourselves and being worthy of the role.

So here's a few ways you can get clearer on your strengths, your unique gifts, your extra spice so you leverage them:

# 1 Utilize Gallup's StrengthsFinder, find out what your strengths are here and notice how they influence your accomplishments.

#2 Reflect on your previous performance reviews to identify recurring themes in areas where you excel.

# 3 Ask yourself: What do family, friends, and coworkers consistently seek my help with?


Sharing it with others: A Necessary Step

Now for this maybe be a challenge depending on your narrative / belief about sharing your talents and achievement. If you think about it as bragging then your quietness or embarrassment about sharing may manifest in the actions you take or don't take e.g going into an interview and only talking about your role and not outcome you produced for the organization or specifically mentioning the skill you employed to achieve it. Be intentional about it! Maybe it means just writing it down for yourself and acknowledging it. Or maybe borrow Nicey Nash's Emmy Award acceptance speech for best supporting actress where she first thanked herself with these words: I want to thank myself.... go on girl with your bad self, you did that!!!

Own Your Narrative: A Confidence Booster

As I've shared before, confidence is not about showcasing perfection; it's about owning your narrative. I want to encourage you to raise your hand, share your insights, and confidently express your contributions. Your voice is a powerful tool that can shape your career in unexpected and fulfilling ways. Let them hear your voice or read your words!


Celebrate the small wins: A Key to Progress

In the pursuit of success, it's easy to overlook the small victories along the way. Yet, celebrating these wins is crucial for maintaining motivation and fostering a sense of fulfillment. Seven-time F1 Champion Lewis Hamilton shared on the Netflix special on the sport, "I can't remember winning." Now I'm not saying that he didn't celebrate his wins but I'm with Jim Kwik on this one "if you can't remember it probably means you weren't paying attention"

Pay attention as you acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small. Notice or remember the emotions, actions, your way of doing it and the sensations evoked - from a neuroscience perspective, they are the building blocks of your progress.

The small wins are also about cultivating the progress loop. These wins in meaningful work, influence your motivation, emotions and perceptions that foster your next win. I've realized that it's the progress that gifts success and this can certainly come from recognizing and celebrating the small victories and unique contributions you make every day.....honestly it keeps you coming back!


Make your move Challenge: a Shared Journey

Reflect on your journey and consider your unique gifts and contributions. How can you amplify your voice and make a meaningful impact in your career? Your "aha" moment might just be the catalyst for your next great career move.

If you'd like to explore these ideas further or share your thoughts, feel free to reach out and send me an email. 

Wishing you clarity and fulfillment,

Coach Assata 


Assata Omowale
CPR Management Coaching