Hey Assata

Isn't it intriguing how amidst our journey of professional growth, we stumble upon some of our unstated desires and yearnings? Today's topic maybe one of yours :)!

Recently, I posed a question to a group: What would it take for you to enjoy work more? Surprisingly, the first response was "no work"🤪. While it may seem like a far-fetched dream, I believe it's a sentiment worthy of exploration.

In a society where productivity reigns supreme and is often tied to our sense of worth, the notion of "no work" might sound radical, even unrealistic. Yet, beneath the surface lies a profound truth: not all of us find joy in our work. And that's okay... for a while. Because enduring work that doesn't bring fulfillment can have long-term effects on our well-being. Our bodies may perceive it as a constant battle, triggering the release of cortisol and other hormones that can impact our health negatively.

But let's return to the topic of work.

Imagine for a moment a life where work isn't a necessity but a choice (think living wage or AI🙃). Where waking up isn't dictated by the shrill of an alarm clock, but by the promise of freedom. What would you do with this newfound autonomy? What would your fulfillment and joy look like now?

Perhaps you'd still want to contribute, to be of value to your community! If so, the issue may not lie in working itself, but rather in the nature of your work, how it's structured, or whether it aligns with your values. Autonomy plays a significant role in intrinsic motivation, so if you feel powerless in your work, it's challenging to find enjoyment.

Abandoning your professional endeavors entirely isn't the only solution. There are ways to infuse joy into your work as well without forsaking your need to contribute. If that idea excites you consider these ways to easily infuse joy and take back some control in your work:

  1. Consider work-life flexibility: Recognize when work demands more time and when your personal life needs attention. Find the balance that works for you.

  2. Pursue passion projects: Dedicate time to activities long forgotten that bring you genuine joy, whether it's reading a romance, writing a letter by hand, or simply spending time with loved ones.

  3. Delegate and collaborate: Don't hesitate to seek support from others to lighten your workload and create space for joy.

  4. Strategically schedule vacations: Plan breaks around times when you need to recharge, such as after a hectic work period or a season that you love e.g Christmas, carnival or your child's vacation.

  5. Balance your body budget: Pay attention to your physical and mental well-being by prioritizing activities like nutrition, water intake, digestive system, exercise, and mindfulness. A lack of water can cause brain fog.

  6. Allow yourself to dream: Make time for daydreaming, as it sparks creative ideas and inspiration.

  7. Seek out awe or wonder: find places, images or activities that remind you of the magic and beauty that still exists

 I believe, joy is necessary for thriving, not a luxury. So, I invite you to entertain the possibility of "no work" as a pathway to fulfillment and freedom.


Your Power Moves:

  • Take a moment to list activities that bring you joy, regardless of their perceived productivity. Then, choose one to implement in the next few days for an easy win.


  • Or, how about scheduling a 10-minute "joy break" into your calendar? During this time, indulge in an activity that brings you pure joy, without overthinking it.


“Many of the best things in life grow along the way" - James Clear

May your joy in work grow along the way.

Coach Assata

 P.S: Guess what? This week I participate in an instagram live with C-Suite Coaching where Im a network Coach, we discuss wellness in the workplace and I would love to see you there!! Check out the flyer below with all details!

 P.S.S: In the spirit of fun take a mental moment here:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRtMxlL2E1w 


Assata Omowale
CPR Management Coaching