Hi Assata,

Last week, I ventured into new territory: I was a guest on an Instagram live for the first time! Let me tell you, it was quite the experience—despite my preparation, things didn't quite go as smoothly as I'd hoped. It took me a good 30 minutes just to figure out how to join the video!!

After the call I kept thinking how could I have avoided this? Why didn't I ask for a walk through before? How could I not know you can't join from a computer? On and on I went down the rabbit hole. And I know better!!! 

But you know what? It got me thinking about how to be fair to myself and use a micro-technique to bring me back to myself. So instead of getting stuck in the mind on what went wrong, we can plan an approach these situations with a balanced diet mindset

When we are ruminating, using our old ways of thinking and being, using our expectations and habits of mind as judge and jury there is no moving forward in the moment! However, when we also take time to think about what went well and what we can do differently, it helps us see the bigger picture. It helps us learn and grow, cultivating a habit of mind that serves us well, helping us not thrive even in the face of disappointment.

So, this newsletter is about "balancing our plate" so we can thrive! Just like a healthy meal is made up of different food groups, we can divide our time and attention equally using WOW or WWO: Wins, Woes, and Opportunities.


Why does this matter?

Just like our bodies need a diverse range of nutrients to stay healthy, our minds thrive on a variety of perspectives for growth. Think of it this way: just as eating more protein helps build muscle, feeding our minds with healthy thoughts gives us access to more strength and resilience when we need it. It's a great opportunity to grow new neuron's and at the same time manage our saboteurs that can get in the way of progress.


Your Power Move

So, here's a simple exercise for you to try: reflect on a recent situation that didn't go as planned then list your:

  1. Wins (What Went Well): Spend 3 minutes reflecting by writing down everything that went right. Celebrate your victories, big and small!
  2. Woes (What Didn't Go Well): Take another 3 minutes to acknowledge what didn't go as planned and recognize your emotions too. It's okay to feel disappointed or frustrated, we get to have the emotions!
  3. Opportunities (Opportunities for Improvement): Consider how you can approach the situation differently next time. What small change can you make to improve by just 1% (James Clear: Atomic Habits)? Be clear about what that change will be, quality it if possible.

Remember, even if you can only spend a few minutes the goal, key is to have a balanced diet by giving each area the attention it deserves. But don't consume only one thing!

By practicing this compassionate approach to reflection, we can learn, grow, and move forward with a greater perspective and resilience. So go ahead, try a balanced diet, and see what insights you uncover!

Until next time, Assata - eat well!

Coach Assata

Assata Omowale
CPR Management Coaching