Hey superhero!

Expect to get stuck, plan for the challenges, break it up into bite-sized pieces but don't stop especially when it's something that really matters.

I hope this message finds you embracing the journey of January 2024, navigating the twists, and celebrating the victories—big and small. 

Recommitting when things don't go as planned or your'e scared to take action on something meaningful—that's a concept that found its way into my world last year. It led me to try new things and revisit the old, adding a sprinkle of difference. I started off last year trying hard to find the motivation to exercise for 3 days a week, by March I had a hard pause!! After getting some challenges out the way, in April I recommitted and found myself working out 6 days a week since, give. I took smaller steps  and re-committed to 15 minutes walking only and got some help this time. Over that time I re-defined who I wanted be- I'm someone who exercises!

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too." - Goethe

Reflecting on Goethe's wise words, commitment propels us forward. Even on days when you feel you're merely showing up, that act alone is an emblem of resilience.

I also wanted to send you a gentle reminder—you're doing great! In situations where we feel like we're languishing or lack the will just showing up with whatever you have in the moment is an act of resilience.

In this edition, let's explore a topic close to my heart—the hero within you. We often talk about waiting for motivation, but what if you are your own source of inspiration?

In the past, maybe like you, I waited for external cues—the pat on the head, the acknowledgment of progress. But what happens when that acknowledgment doesn't come? Confidence wavers.

Drawing inspiration from unlikely sources, like cooking competitions on Netflix, made me realize how easily confidence can be shaken, especially if you believe it could only be gained through accomplishments. A winning dish one week, up for elimination the next—the message? You're only as good as your last performance. A narrative that impacts even the best chefs and business owners. Has this happened to you too?

Motivation is what you may lament you need when you decide on any goal, many times when you fail to act we say, "I wasn't motivated to" or "I have no motivation".Motivation, often seen as a distant force we lack, is but by definition it's understanding what needs to be done for a goal and having the drive to do it at ANY given moment. But here's what's also interesting —motivation is influenced by emotions, mood (our internal pleasant or unpleasant feelings) and our perceptions of the goal. Our feelings about a task, the process, and beliefs about our abilities significantly affect our actions, but don't ignore it.....acknowledge it!!

Progress in meaningful work increases motivation and if you have negative feelings about a task before you actually attempt the it can lead to avoidance of the tasks which often means....the end of the goal!! But if it really matters to you RECOMMIT AND TRY DIFFERENTLY.

So as you pursue your goals or commitments, consider the energy behind them. How do you truly feel about your goal? What steps are needed and what's the process, not just the vision of success? A goal without a plan is a wish, after all.

What I'm saying is: if you wait for the win, if you wait for whatever that magical feeling is, if you depend on something outside of you to get you going you may never MOVE!

Now, the win comes after taking action with the smallest step, and I won't leave you hanging. Here are some neuroscience-rooted tips to become your own hero, your cheerleader, and conquer your goals! This is how you become your own hero and cheerleader and crush your goals!


  1. Ask Yourself Why: Dive into the emotions behind your goal. If it doesn't feel great, explore why. This could be the key to overcoming procrastination and self-judgment.

  2. Dopamine Hits: Structure your day with small, winnable tasks to keep dopamine levels high, leading to more success.

  3. Visualize Differently: Envision the steps and process more than the outcome to create an expectation of success.

  4. Plan for Obstacles: Anticipate hurdles, ensuring you have alternative routes helps you avoid feeling stuck.

  5. Be Kind to Yourself: When things don't go as planned, practice self-compassion. Use setbacks as opportunities to course-correct or try differently.

  6. Consider YOUR Intrinsic Motivation: Reflect on: your belief in your ability to achieve the goal (ask for help), your connection to it (tie it to your own goals), and your influence on how it's done (put your own energy into it- no-one has ownership of that!


Your Power Move: The "Everyday Hero" Challenge

For the next week, consciously take on the role of your everyday hero. Identify and complete a small task each day towards a big goal and celebrate it, that sense of accomplishment is a great dopamine hit that can give you energy for the next small task.

e.g. Speak up in a meeting - write down your points or add to someone else's

       Plan that trip - research the place, check out plane tickets

       Release the weight - just notice your sweet or snack intake for the day

Share your hero moments with me by replying to this email using #EverydayHeroChallenge

 Something to keep you moving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgBHweR263s KEEP IT BURNING!


I look forward to hearing your about your commitments and the baby steps your'e taking! 


To your progress and remember to celebrate every step of the way!

Coach Assata

Assata Omowale
CPR Management Coaching