Hey [First Name],

In our last newsletter, we embarked on a journey to uncover the guiding light that can for the first time intentionally lead the way to genuine fulfillment and successyour values. Now, it's time to transform that self-awareness into a powerhouse of action in your career!

Quick Recap: Remember Tasha's story? ( "Your Whispering Secrets - Values!!). Unveiling her values empowered her to navigate challenges, express herself effectively, and find fulfillment in her work. Now, it's your turn to infuse that same power into your career.

And in case your'e still on hesitant about why having awareness about your values  isn't just  nice to have details but critical if you want not just to succeed but enjoy the work you do, let me share why values matter: Yesterday when you were upset, filled with joy, sad, disappointed or even nonchalant you didn't just experience it physically, you acted on it and may have even wished you responded differently. To have the awareness the to respond differently can mean the difference between a cultivating rewarding relationship and existing in toxic environment sucking all your joy.

Magnify Your Impact:

  1. Identify Your Values:

    • What are your top 5 values? List them.    
  2. Action Plan:

    • Where can you apply these values in your current role or projects?
    • When will you intentionally incorporate them into your daily tasks?
  3. Real Results:

    • Share evidence of how applying your values positively impacted your work.
    • Determine if the goal is large; identify a quick win and what might require more knowledge or experience.

The Power Move:

Choose a value and consciously apply it to a specific task this week. Where and when will you do this, and how will you measure its success? Be your own success story!


Looking Ahead: In the last newsletter, we unveiled the keys to your career joy through discovering and understanding your values. Now, let's magnify that joy by turning these values into actionable results!

Ignite your career power and let your values be the driving force behind your success. Ready to take your career to the next level? Let's do this!

To your empowered journey, [Your Name]

Coach Assata

P.S: https://youtu.be/6anaQhmopM0?si=aOTjWfwfysrtsg0_ 

Assata Omowale
CPR Management Coaching