Hey Assata

In this edition, we're getting down to the nitty-gritty of self-confidence, dispelling a common myth, and introducing a fresh outlook on what it truly means to own your confidence and journey. No fluff, no generic advice – just real talk on making confidence uniquely yours.

Breaking Down Self-Confidence: More Than Just Posture and Words

Let's kick off by defining self-confidence. It's not just about a charismatic posture or convincing yourself that you're super awesome. It's a feeling, a consciousness awareness of  your powers and abilities; trusting yourself and believing in your capability to do something. But let's be honest, it's a loaded word that can stir up big feelings and anxieties. Today, we're peeling away the layers and exploring how to make confidence genuinely your own.

Demystifying Confidence: It's Not an Achievement Badge

First up, let's shatter the myth that confidence must be earned before it can be embraced. This belief often leads to shame and disappointment, making confidence elusive when you need it most. If you had to achieve something before you became confident you wouldn't have taken your first step or be able to read this email, it took courage, intention, belief and action to do these things. True confidence is not a fleeting moment based on just on past accomplishments or external validations. It's an ongoing dance of growth and self-acceptance that resonates deep within. You have nothing to prove and everything to give just by showing up with intention! Self- Confidence is about recognizing and leveraging your inherent value, skills, experiences, and making a decision to be kind to yourself, regardless of the outcome.

"Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong." - Peter T. McIntyre


The Confidence Evolution: Rewriting Your Narrative

As societal pressures and comparisons increase, it's easy to forget the triumphs and steps of courage you've taken in the past. Every bold move, every small victory, is evidence of your current ability and willingness to evolve. Research suggests that self-confidence tends to dip between ages 8 and 14, a time when self-doubt, comparisons and societal expectations peak. Let's acknowledge your moments of courage and highlight what you do well now.

If these expectations and comparison are still taking center stage in your life and every mistake is on replay your brain demanding that you prove yourself over and over again, let's do something different:

  • let's journey down memory lane, acknowledging your moments of courage and highlighting what you do well now!
  • redefine what your confidence looks and feels like. It's a personalized, powerful narrative waiting to be rewritten if what you now have doesn't work. What do you want instead? Let's get it!


Your Swagger Blueprint: Crafting Confidence on Your Terms

“The days that I have confidence, I use it to the best of my ability. I fight with it. I strengthen it. I make it big. And the days that I don’t, I kind of fake it ’til I make it,” the 14-year-old named Bella said.

I agree with Bella, it wanes and when you find it, make it big! Expect with conscious confidence there is consistency and no need to fake it, until you make it.

Confidence isn't a constant; it wanes and waxes. But with conscious confidence you're fully aware of what you bring to the table so you're more consistent and easier to access. So craft your Swagger Blueprint using my confidence equation: awareness + intention + presence + preparation + compassion. This personalized guide will be your ally when doubt creeps in.

Confidence isn't about having all the answers; it's about embracing possibilities of the not knowing. In this blueprint, you'll explore the gift of uncertainty and how kindness towards oneself is a crucial companion on towards unshakable confidence. Learn to navigate the uncharted with a curious and gentle spirit, celebrating each step forward, no matter how small.

"You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving yourself and see what happens." - Louise Hay



Your Swagger-Fueled Action Challenge

  1. Download the confidence equation and try at least one variable next time you need to show up on your terms.

  2. Forgive yourself for any mistake that happened today; try "I'm still learning" instead of "I can't believe you did that!"

  3. Share your experience using #Unshakableconfidence, and get some more support if needed.

"With confidence, you have won before you have started." - Marcus Garvey


Here's to your unshakable confidence Assata!



P.S: Here's your songs for an instant confidence boost!! Guaranteed to put those shoulders back and head high https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn19xvfoXvk  and this one for everything that's possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QCXr79Rkcw 

Assata Omowale
CPR Management Coaching