Happy Wednesday Career Champion!

Ever noticed how a simple act can create ripples of influence? That's the enchanting magic of Emotional Intelligence (EI) – your personal workplace relationship superpower. We all have it, and trust me, it's the key to turning heads in the office, speaking up confidently, and steering your career in the fast lane. Let's dive into some familiar scenes that might ring a bell:

Imagine you're standing in line during your lunch hour, stomach growling, trying to pay a bill. The person in front seems to be having a lengthy chat with the cashier, and you're next. Do you wait patiently, interrupt, snicker, or take loud deep breaths? How did you leave? How did they react?

Believe it or not, these everyday scenarios are powerful lessons in influence and self-management.

If you've ever left these situations feeling at ease, happy and accomplished.......congratulations! You've just tapped into your secret weapon – Emotional Intelligence (EI). It's that superpower we all possess but might not fully recognize. The cool part? You can channel this power at work, whether you're eyeing a promotion, want to speak up more, or simply amplify your voice without being seen as an Ogre.


Let me share a quick personal story about an interaction with my daughter. She's a lively morning person, just like her mom, who is also a daydreamer. School mornings can be a challenge, and impatience would sometimes get the better of me. A shouting match (the nerve!), tears, nobody is listening and no movement. She said she didn't like the morning version of her mama – the professional version like yourself. She experienced me as impatient and unkind. I felt horrible and it wasn't my intention. I realized I had the power to set the tone for the mornings, so that's what I do now. We pause for hugs, and I'm mindful of my tone (most times), possibly setting a positive tone for her day....powerful right? 

What made shifted this scenario?

  1. Observation: I tuned in to her emotions, language, noticing non-verbal cues.
  2. Empathy: I genuinely cared about how she felt. I knew how I wanted her to feel.
  3. Connection: The small act of giving a hug knowing that connection matters to her created a positive impact.

We all have the ability to shape situations and decide how others will experience us. It doesn't happen automatically, and it takes real effort and awareness to be consistent at using this power. Just like building muscles, the more we focus on and use the muscle, the easier and stronger it gets.

Now, let's bring this magic of this kind of influence to your work relationships and powerfully impact your career. Imagine confidently expressing your ideas, effortlessly navigating office dynamics, and having your colleagues naturally drawn to your perspective. It's not a dream; it's the EI way!

Unlock Your Workplace Superpower:

  1. Reflect on Your Everyday Influence: Think about those moments outside the office where you naturally influenced a situation e.g setting the tone for a romantic evening with your partner or the time you had to convince your parent to let go to that party. What worked? Why did it feel easy? How did they experience that side of you? What was the outcome?

  2. Identify Your Super Power Moves: Consider the traits that make you the friend to called when life is kicking. Empathy? Confidence? Friendliness? Recognize your strengths.

  3. Transfer Your Superpower: Now, translate those everyday super moves to your workplace. How can you infuse your unique style into meetings, discussions, or even during lunch?

Now, you try, bring magic into your workplace:

  1. Observe Your Colleagues: Pay attention to their body language and tone.
  2. Empathize: Understand their perspective and feelings.
  3. Connect: Find subtle ways to offer support or encouragement. Find out what matters to them, by asking or just notice what seems to excite or bring them joy and what angers them.

By harnessing your EI, you're not just influencing; you're creating a workplace where people feel seen and valued.

Free Gift Alert! 🎁

Ready to dive deeper? I've got a special gift for you – "Jump Start your Emotional Intelligence : Unleash Your Influence." These quick and easy tips will kick your EI into high gear at work.

Your journey to workplace influence is about to get exciting! Stay tuned for more superhero insights in the next newsletter.

Here's something to keep remind you😉https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrZxwPwmgrw 

Here's to your success! 💥


Coach Assata



Assata Omowale
CPR Management Coaching